
    Create a new flow macro to represent boundary conditions on an extracted submodel. Alternate submodel boundary output.

    • Group 1 - KEYMS1, KEYMS2, KEYMS3, KEYMS3

    or, if KEYMS4 = ‘type’:

    • Group 1 - KEYMS1, KEYMS2, KEYMS3, KEYMS4, ITYPSD

    Enter one line per model defined, terminated with a blank line.

    • Group 2 - JA, JB, JC, ISUBMD
    Input Variable Format Description
    KEYMS1 character
    Macro SKD type. The letters given in ( ) are sufficient to identify the keyword:
    KEYMS2 character
    Macro ESKD type. The letters given in ( ) are sufficient to identify the keyword:
    (w)ater (water only source, output saturation as 1.0)
    KEYMS3 character
    Macro AIPED type:
    imph - Impedance parameter = 1.0
    impl - Impedance parameter = 1.0e-4
    impn - Impedance parameter = -1.0
    If KEYSM1 = ‘flux’ the impedance parameter = 0.0, otherwise for any other input, the impedance parameter = 1.0e2.
    KEYMS4 character
    Flag to indicate submodel type will be input:
    Submodel type:
    \(ITYPSD = 0\), generate ‘flow’ macro.
    \(ITYPSD \ne 0\), generate ‘flo3’ macro.
    ISUBMD integer Submodel assignment.

    The following is an example of the wflo macro. A flow macro will be written for two output zones. Because, they are specified using two models, the macros will be written to two separate files. The macro file names will be generated using the root file name (as input or determined from the output file name) appended with the model number and suffix .wflow (e.g. file.0001.wflow and file.0002.wflow).

    flux wat impl na
    flux wat impl na
    -308 0 0 1
    -309 0 0 2

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